Thursday 10 June 2010


This suport material is for novice.

Here is a tutorial can help you to print all the work sheet on one page:

If you do not have time to learn the tutorial you can use other ways to present your information, you can use a projector, memory stick, CD/DVDs or take your laptop to the meeting.

You can use projector to show your information can let every one read it together and you can explain at same time.To use memory sticks can save a lot of time at meeting rooms definitely have a smart board and computer so you can display your information on the smart board.To use CD/DVDs can give a copy to every one one the meeting so they can review your information at any times.

I used the information from to help me to solve the problem. Also I viewed the technical forums and asked my colleagues with specialist expertise to help me solve this problem. The data is valued because
I used it by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this valuable information, really like the way you used to describe. Hope I'll get such posts in future too. | | |
